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Report information:

CX Services in High Tech & Automotive

Customer Perspectives

by Ivan Kotzev

published on Dec 02, 2024

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Report Overview:

This report is for end-user (buy-side) organizations who are interested in understanding the current and future shape of the CX services in high tech and automotive market as well as the requirements and experiences of their peers.


Key Findings & Highlights:

NelsonHall’s ‘CX Services in High Tech & Automotive‘ project assists BPS buyers in making key sourcing decisions in the areas of high tech, consumer electronics, automotive OEM, and manufacturing.

The project will help create greater market awareness of the ability of CX service providers to develop personalized technical support processes and new value add sales interactions using analytics, intelligent automation, Conversational AI, and GenAI in support of the broader client ecosystem.

This major NelsonHall study is an essential reading for Chief Customer Officers (CCOs) & Chief Experience Officers (CXOs). For buyers of CX Services, the project identifies:

•The operational issues and requirements of their peers and how this demand profile is changing
•How vendors are addressing buyer requirements with their current offerings
•The range of benefits being achieved by their peers with examples
•How vendor capability and the art of the possible are evolving, and what to look for in a next-generation service
•The success factors to look for when selecting a potential vendor partner.

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