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Report information:

Reinventing Payroll Services

Customer Perspectives

by Elizabeth Rennie

published on Nov 01, 2024

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Report Overview:

This report is for end-user (buy-side) organizations who are interested in understanding the current and future shape of the payroll services market as well as the requirements and experiences of their peers.

Key Findings & Highlights:

With payroll being a business-critical function and cash being such a focus for both employees and organizations, payroll agility and visibility are key areas of investment and modernization.

This major NelsonHall study is essential reading for buyers of payroll services, with our in-depth analysis detailing what can be achieved by leveraging the latest payroll services and solutions in the marketplace. The full study examines:

  • The latest trends in payroll services and how the process is being reinvented
  • Buyer expectations of payroll service delivery
  • How digital technology is transforming payroll
  • Where providers are focusing their investments to develop payroll service offerings for the future
  • Challenges and success factors for payroll service providers.

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