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Report information:

Next Generation Learning Platforms

Market Analysis

by Nikki Edwards

published on Sep 21, 2023

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Report Overview:

NelsonHall's market analysis of Next Generation Learning Platforms' services and industry trends consists of 174 pages

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Learning Services report is a comprehensive market assessment report designed for:

  • Sourcing managers investigating sourcing developments within the learning platforms market 
  • Vendor marketing, sales, and business managers developing strategies to target learning platforms
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the learning platforms sector.

Scope of this Report:

The report analyzes the worldwide market for learning platforms and addresses the following questions:

  • What is the market size and projected growth for the learning platforms market by geography?
  • What is the profile of activity in the global learning platforms market by industry sector?
  • What are the top drivers for the adoption of learning platforms?
  • What are the benefits currently achieved by users of learning platforms?
  • What factors are inhibiting user adoption of learning platforms?
  • Who are the leading learning platform vendors globally and by geography?
  • What combination of technology and supporting services is typically provided within learning platform contracts, and what new tech is being added?
  • What is the current pattern of delivery location used for learning platforms, and how is this changing?
  • What are the challenges and success factors within learning platforms?

Key Findings & Highlights:

NelsonHall’s Learning platforms market analysis consists of 174 pages, focusing on strategies for 2023 and beyond.

The shrinking work-age population and talent and skills shortages mean that organizations must consider reskilling or upskilling their workforce as an alternative to hiring to achieve the skills mix required to ensure long-term business survival in an increasingly VUCA world. Organizations must modernize and enhance the learning experience for their remote and hybrid workforces to minimize churn and maximize long-term engagement and retention while ensuring the workforce remains future-skills-ready.

Short term, learning platform vendors will be navigating peaks and troughs in platform demand while their clients’ changing circumstances are impacted by global economic conditions, regionally, and by sector.

The most pressing needs are cost-effective, agile, and adaptive learning platforms for onboarding, compliance, and future skilling across remote and hybrid teams. Vendors have launched new products to meet those needs.

Essential needs are met through enticing onboarding, compliance, and skills-specific programs. Organizations mature in their digital learning transformation journeys can embrace new modules focused on goals/OKRs, performance, rewards, and recognition, as learning tech and learning functions increasingly overlap with other areas of talent/HR.

The emergence of generative AI, while relatively new, could be one of the most impactful tech developments of recent times, transforming learning platforms substantially. While short-term market uncertainty prevails, the longer-term market opportunities for learning tech vendors are relatively buoyant.

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