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Report information:

CX Services in High Tech and Automotive

Market Analysis

by Ivan Kotzev

published on Oct 25, 2024

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Report Overview:

NelsonHall’s market analysis of the CX Services in High Tech and Automotive market consists of 96 pages and focuses on strategies for 2024 and beyond.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Market Analysis on CX Services in High Tech and Automotive is a comprehensive assessment of the market, designed for:

  • Sourcing managers investigating “the art of the possible” and the perspectives of their peers towards next generation customer service
  • Vendor marketing, sales and business managers developing strategies to target digital & service transformation opportunities within customer experience
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the IT services and BPS sector.

Scope of this Report:

The report is based on interviews with CX services providers and high tech, manufacturing, and automotive clients. It analyzes the worldwide market for CX Services in High Tech & Automotive and addresses the following questions:

  • What is the current and future market for CX services in High Tech & Automotive sectors?
  • What is the market size and projected growth for the CX services for the sectors?
  • What is the market size and projected growth for the CX services by geography for the sectors?
  • What is the market size and projected growth for the CX services market by sub-sector?
  • What is the current market structure and vendor market shares?
  • What are the top drivers for the adoption of the CX services in High Tech & Automotive sectors?
  • What are the benefits currently achieved by clients of the CX services in High Tech & Automotive sectors?
  • What factors are inhibiting client adoption of the sector CX services in High Tech & Automotive sectors?
  • What are the main CX sector offerings and services provided by vendors?
  • What is the current pattern of delivery mix, and how is this changing?
  • What are the current pricing mechanisms, KPIs, and contract duration patterns, and how are these changing?
  • What tools and frameworks are used by CX services vendors for transformation delivery, and how are these changing?
  • What are the main external partnerships used by CX services vendors, and how are these changing?
  • What are the selection criteria, challenges, and critical success factors for CX services in High Tech & Automotive sectors?

Key Findings & Highlights:

This CX Services in High Tech & Automotive market assessment covers the impacts of external factors on the market development in the short-term, medium-term, and long-term, as well as the market’s changing shape. The report analyzes the current and evolving client requirements and the current satisfaction with outsourced services, target benefits, and requirements from suppliers.

This deep dive into the sectors’ CX services also provides details on the market size by subsector, service line, end-user geography, vendor market shares, and an overview of vendor dynamics.

The assessment highlights the featured vendor capabilities and offerings, with dedicated summaries for each, and features detailed case studies describing business challenges, provided CX transformation, and achieved results.

The research also includes the vendors’ client targeting and delivery formats, contractual terms, and unique selling points. A separate section highlights vendors’ IP and technology partnerships.

The CX Services in High Tech & Automotive market assessment looks at the selection criteria, challenges, and success factors for optimizing outsourced CX services for the sectors. It provides an outlook on potential market, customer, and technology developments that could transform sector CX services.

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