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Intelligent Automation Services in the Banking Industry - Market Update

Market Reports

by Andy Efstathiou

published on Mar 26, 2024

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Report Overview:

This report provides an update to NelsonHall’s assessment of the Intelligent Automation Services in the Banking Industry market in the light of recent market developments.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s market update for Intelligent Automation Services in the Banking Industry is designed for:

  • Sourcing managers investigating sourcing developments within the financial services sector
  • Vendor marketing, sales, and business managers developing strategies to target service opportunities within the financial services sector
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the financial services sector.

Scope of this Report:

This Market Update report updates NelsonHall's assessment of the Intelligent Automation Services in Banking market, including:

  • A recap of the key points from our last market assessment
  • A summary of significant market developments since then
  • A brief analysis of how the banking industry is responding to changing market dynamics.

Key Findings & Highlights:

Since last year, banks have been shifting their spending on intelligent automation initiatives. They spend more time embedding AI into processes, joint human/bot operations, and data management. The projects they are undertaking value agility over efficiency.

The buying centers within banks are expanding beyond the CIO’s office to include chief risk officers and line-of-business executives. Business lines accelerating their adoption of IA are growing fast and digitalizing their processing. The primary business lines adopting IA services are wealth and asset management, compliance, new product launches, marketing campaigns, and settlements (payments and securities).

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