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IBM in NEAT Reports

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Published reports:

published reports related to IBM within the NEAT Reports program

  • IBM - Life Insurance BPO

    Apr 25, 2013 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst

    This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes IBM's offerings and capabilities in life insurance BPO. IBM is one of a number of life insurance BPO companies analyzed in NelsonHall's comprehensive industry analysis programs. [...]
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  • IBM - Multi-Process F&A Outsourcing

    Mar 12, 2013 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst

    This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes IBM's offerings and capabilities in multi-process finance & accounting outsourcing (MP FAO) services. IBM is one of a number of F&A Outsourcing services companies analyzed as part of NelsonHall's MP FAO industry analysis. IBM Global Services (IGS) is the $60bn ITO and BPO services division of IBM. [...]
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  • IBM - Application Outsourcing

    Jan 25, 2013 | Vendor Analysis by Dominique Raviart

    This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes IBM's offerings and capabilities in Application Outsourcing. IBM is one of a number of Application Outsourcing companies analyzed in NelsonHall's comprehensive industry analysis programs. [...]
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  • IBM - Healthcare Payer BPO

    Dec 03, 2012 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst

    This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes IBM's offerings and capabilities in the healthcare payer sector. IBM is one of a number of Healthcare Payer companies analyzed in this comprehensive industry analysis. IBM Global Services operates its healthcare payer BPO services within its Healthcare vertical segment. IBM has been supporting healthcare p [...]
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