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The Learning Factor- Learning Services

Vendor Analysis

by Nikki Edwards

published on Aug 07, 2019

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Report Overview:

This NelsonHall assessment analyzes The Learning Factor's offerings and capabilities in Learning Services

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Learning Services: Transforming the Way the Workplace Learns vendor assessment for The Learning Factor is a comprehensive assessment of The Learning Factor’s Learning BPS offering and capabilities, designed for:

  • Sourcing managers investigating sourcing developments within Learning BPS
  • HR decision makers exploring the benefits and inhibitors of Learning BPS as evidenced by the clients and vendor capability
  • Vendor marketing, sales and business managers developing strategies to identify developments and target opportunities within learning and development
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in or covering the HR outsourcing industry and suppliers.

Scope of this Report:

The report provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of The Learning Factor’s Learning BPS offering, capabilities, and market and financial strength, including:

  • Identification of the company’s strategy, emphasis, and new developments in both its service and technology
  • Analysis of the company’s strengths, challenges, and outlook
  • Revenue
  • Analysis of the profile of the company’s customer base including the company’s targeting strategy and examples of current contracts
  • Analysis of the company’s key offerings (service model and service components)
  • Analysis of the company’s delivery capability (including the location, size, and scale of delivery operations; and delivery via technology).

Key Findings & Highlights:

The Learning Factor, founded in 1997 and headquartered in Sydney, Australia, is a learning provider focused on designing, delivering, and deploying training.

Its purpose is to “simplify the business of learning” by crafting training solutions that solve critical business challenges across all touchpoints, screens, and devices.

The Learning Factor’s service offerings comprise learning content services; learning delivery; learning administration (including vendor management); learning technology; learning consultation.

The Learning Factor uses third-party technology and tools and is technology agnostic. Its clients predominantly use Cornerstone, Saba Lumesse, SAP SuccessFactors, and SumTotal. It provides consulting to clients and assists with RFS and technology implementations (via a network of partners).

The Learning Factor manages many learning BPS clients. About 75% of The Learning Factor’s clients are large corporations, and 25% are SMBs. It operates across seven industries (with more recent wins being in newer sectors: agriculture, energy, and oil and gas).

The Learning Factor is a private company and does not disclose financial information.

In 2019/2020, The Learning Factor will focus on growing the business with a more significant proportion of large companies, streamlining its e-learning process, and developing its presence in the U.S. and the U.K., amongst other strategic plans.

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