Reports related to
Financial Industry Indian Captives Assessment and Forecast
Jan 11, 2012 | Market Analysis by Andy Efstathiou
view this reportSoftware Testing Assessment and Forecast
Jan 10, 2012 | Market Analysis by Dominique Raviart
view this reportTargeting WAHA Services
Jan 10, 2012 | Market Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's market analysis of the WAHA BPO industry and WAHA trends consists of 101 pages. [...]view this reportdownload abstractSteria - U.K. Central Government BPO Services
Dec 18, 2011 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes Steria's offerings and capabilities in U.K. central government BPO services. Steria is one of a number of BPO service companies analyzed in NelsonHall's comprehensive industry analysis programs. [...]view this reportdownload abstractDell Services - Revenue Cycle Management BPO
Dec 09, 2011 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
view this reportLogicalis - IT Infrastructure Management Services
Dec 08, 2011 | Vendor Analysis by Dominique Raviart
view this reportAtos - U.K. Central Government BPO Services
Nov 25, 2011 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes Atos' offerings and capabilities in U.K. central government BPO services. Atos is one of a number of BPO service companies analyzed in NelsonHall's comprehensive industry analysis programs. [...]view this reportdownload abstractLogica - U.K. Central Government BPO Services
Nov 25, 2011 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes Logica's offerings and capabilities in U.K. central government BPO services. Logica is one of a number of BPO service companies analyzed in Nelson Hall's comprehensive industry analysis programs. [...]view this reportdownload abstractTargeting U.S. Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management
Nov 25, 2011 | Market Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's market analysis "Targeting U.S. Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management" consists of 37 pages. Major macro-level issues impacting U.S. healthcare are driving a fundamental restructuring of the sector driven by unprecedented levels of reform. The transformation of U.S. healthcare will drive widespread adoption of outsourced services for the [...]view this reportdownload abstract