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Title = NelsonHall research on: Qualitest Group
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Quality Engineering 2023: Hyper Automation in Sight

Market Analysis

by Dominique Raviart

published on Jun 27, 2023

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Report Overview:

NelsonHall’s market analysis of the Quality Engineering market consists of 97 pages. The report focuses on quality engineering/software testing/quality assurance.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Quality Engineering market analysis report is a comprehensive assessment designed for:

  • Sourcing managers investigating sourcing developments within the QE market
  • Vendor marketing, sales and business managers developing strategies to target QE services
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the IT services sector.

Scope of this Report:

The report analyzes the worldwide market for QE and addresses the following questions:

  • What is the market size and projected growth for the global QE services market by geography?
  • What is the profile of activity in the global QE services market by industry sector?
  • What are the top drivers for QE adoption?
  • What are the benefits currently achieved by QE users?
  • What factors are inhibiting user adoption of QE?
  • Who are the leading QE services vendors globally and by geography?
  • What is the current pattern of delivery location used for QE and how is this changing?
  • What services are delivered from onshore and which from offshore?
  • What are the challenges and success factors within QE?

Key Findings & Highlights:

The quality engineering (QE) market, also called software testing or quality assurance, is going through an extended growth cycle focused on continuous testing (i.e., testing under agile methodologies, using DevOps tools, and deploying automation). This cycle has been going for five years and still has significant growth potential: spending continues to grow in mid- to high-single digits.

In parallel with solid spending, QE vendors continue to invest in their continuous testing ‘platforms,’ driving automation beyond functional to support services (such as test environment and test data management) and non-functional testing.

AI is playing an increasing role, initially using analytics to conduct more selective and informed testing, driving productivity up. We think QE is on the verge of disruption with the pending introduction of AI-based automation to generate test scripts automatically. AI-based automation, combined with BDD and once-promising technologies such as model-based testing, will break up the effort-consulting requirements-test cases-test scripts cycle.

Finally, quality engineering is increasingly becoming very technical across existing and new areas (such as API testing and chaos engineering). This increasing technicality is driving major workforce reskilling investment in the context of talent shortage.

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