Swisscom IT Services in Banking Operations Transformation
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published reports related to Swisscom IT Services within the Banking Operations Transformation program
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tracking service articles related to Swisscom IT Services within the Banking Operations Transformation program:
Swisscom Enterprise Customers to Acquire 50% of Open Web Technology SA and Form JV to Enhance Digital Transformation Services Portfolio
Jan 19, 2016 | Mergers and Acquisitions by Mike Smart
Swisscom Awarded IoT Contract by Lenzburg Municipal Council
Nov 25, 2015 | Contracts by Mike Smart
Swisscom Awarded Network Management Contract by CERN
Oct 21, 2015 | Contracts by Mike Smart
Swisscom Announces Enterprise Customers Segment 2015 Revenue Up 3.3% to CHF 2,654m
May 06, 2015 | Financial Results by Mike Smart
Swisscom Acquires 9% Stake in Banking Software Firm Finnova
Apr 02, 2015 | Mergers and Acquisitions by Mike Smart
Swisscom Announces 2014 Revenue Up 2.4% to CHF 11,703m
Feb 06, 2015 | Financial Results by Mike Smart
Swisscom IT Services to Acquire Veltigroup To Strengthen Western Switzerland Capabilities
Dec 09, 2014 | Mergers and Acquisitions by Mike Smart
Swisscom IT Services Launches Electronic Patient Records Availability to Patients in Zurich Health Network
Oct 01, 2014 | New Offerings by Mike Smart
Swisscom Subsidiary Axept Webcall to Operate Under Swisscom Brand
Feb 25, 2014 | Organizational Change by Mike Smart
Swisscom IT Services Acquires Entris Banking IT Operations
Mar 08, 2013 | Mergers and Acquisitions by NelsonHall Analyst
Targeting Reference Data BPO
Andy Efstathiou, NelsonHall's Banking Program Research Director on reference data BPO
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NelsonHall's Banking Sourcing program supports you in enhancing your organization's sourcing performance. It will help you to:
- Analyze how banking process outsourcing can be applied to your organization
- Assess the scope of banking processes that can be sourced and why
- Quantify the benefits and risks associated with sourcing processes within your banking functions
- Identify the most appropriate vendors and understand their individual philosophies, approaches and delivery capability
- Learn from the experience of other organizations in your sector that have already outsourced elements of their banking processes
- Keep abreast of changing delivery approaches within outsourcing of bank-specific processes.
It also provides expert support to banking process outsourcing vendors, specifically business development and marketing personnel, helping them to:
- Increase bid success through improved positioning of proposals against client requirements
- Maintain the competitiveness of current service offerings
- Identify emerging requirements and service opportunities
- Track key developments within the banking marketplace, including contract awards and new service announcements
- Understand the strategies and capabilities of potential bid partners through access to detailed banking process outsourcing vendor assessments.