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Kryon- Process Discovery & Mining Technology Evaluation 2021

Vendor Analysis

by Mike Smart

published on Aug 10, 2021

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Report Overview:

This NelsonHall assessment analyzes Kyron's offerings and capabilities in Process Discovery & Mining Technology Evaluation

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Process Discovery & Mining Technology Evaluation, provides an assessment of Kryon’s process discovery & mining platform designed for:

  • Sourcing managers monitoring the capabilities of existing suppliers of Process Discovery & Mining platforms and identifying vendor suitability for RFPs
  • Process reengineering and RPA and intelligent automation center of excellence personnel evaluating process discovery & mining platform capability
  • Vendor marketing, sales, and business managers looking to benchmark their platforms against their peers
  • Financial analysts and investors covering intelligent automation and process discovery & mining platforms.

Scope of this Report:

The report provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of Kryon’s process discovery and mining capabilities, covering Process Discovery’s functionality for:

  • Data extraction, transformation, and loading
  • Process analysis
  • Process improvement
  • Process monitoring
  • Corrective action enablement
  • Administration.

This report also assesses Kryon’s product development strategy and strengths and challenges.

Key Findings & Highlights:

Kryon Process Discovery has a desktop observer tool that passively records the user interactions on the desktop and uses a computer vision (CV) engine to determine the start and stop actions of recorded tasks automatically. The desktop tool also has an incognito mode that, when enabled, will hide the tool from the observed desktop user.

The company released an update in Oct 2020 that introduced changes for real-time discovery capability, including data format and algorithmic changes and rebuilding its infrastructure to use microservices for scalability (including container support on 3rd-party cloud services).

Additionally, in v21.4, Kryon has streamlined the UI to set up new teams, which helps focus dashboard data to specific teams that enable organizations to understand the processes of each team separately.

It supports both process flowcharts and variation analysis. In v21.6, the company introduced the functionality to explore variants – review and add variants to the approved list.

In v21.4, Kryon introduced a Discovery screen that allows process experts to find processes that are potential automation candidates.

Kryon's dashboard capability for Process Discovery is limited to basic process summary information. However, Kryon now supports pushing data to other platforms, e.g., Microsoft Power BI and Tableau, using JDBC connectors. This provides a way for monitoring task and workforce performances in real-time.

Process Discovery is typically purchased bundled with Kryon's Full-Cycle Automation Suite.

Kryon targets clients looking for one-off/interval (typically automation initiatives) and continuous (process excellence) needs for Process Discovery. Its client base is currently skewed more towards use cases that are more one-off/interval but sees a gradual shift towards a 50/50 balance between the two.

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