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has Confidence = f -- IGNORED

Datamatics Announces Fiscal Q4 2014 Revenues Up 43.1% to Rs. 2,141.4m

Financial Results

by NelsonHall Analyst

published on May 29, 2014

Datamatics has announced results for fiscal Q4 2014 and full FY 2014, for the period ending March 31, 2014:

Fiscal Q4

  • Revenues were Rs.2,141.4m ($34.5m at USD = Rs.62), up 43.1year-on-year (y/y)
  • EBIT was Rs.209.3m ($3.4m), an EBIT margin of 9.8%, up 327 bps y/y

FY 2014 :

  • Revenues were Rs.7,338.1m ($118.4m), up 33.4
  • EBIT was Rs.778.1m ($12.6m), an EBIT margin of 10.6%, up 310 bps.
Initial currency type (specify local currency used)Indian Rupees
Period Ending2013-03-31
Revenues ((m) in local currency2141.4
Revenues (in $m at that date)34.5

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