Reports related to
Targeting P&C BPO in the Automotive Sector
Oct 22, 2014 | Market Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's market analysis of property and casualty outsourcing in the automotive sector consists of 67 pages. [...]view this reportdownload abstractAdvantage xPO - Managed Service Program Outsourcing
Oct 17, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by Elizabeth Rennie
Advantage xPO is the European/U.S. managed service and recruitment outsourcing business of a family of staffing companies which includes Recruit Group (Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd being the holding company). Advantage xPO's MSP business began 15 years ago from the staffing business of Recruit Group. In 2009, the branding of its MSP business cha [...]view this reportdownload abstractHudson - Managed Service Program Outsourcing
Oct 17, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by Elizabeth Rennie
Hudson began offering MSP in 2009, as a natural expansion to its RPO contract with Perpetual, which had commenced in 2006. In 2012 Hudson won an integrated RPO and MSP solution contract with Macquarie globally. Under this solution Hudson manages the sourcing, selection, onboarding, payment and reporting around all temps and contractors globally. In [...]view this reportdownload abstractResource Solutions - Managed Service Program Outsourcing
Oct 17, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by Elizabeth Rennie
Resource Solutions is the recruitment process outsourcing and managed service outsourcing division of the Robert Walters Plc staffing firm. Resource Solutions was established in 1997 in the U.K. to expand Robert Walters' recruiting services into outsourcing engagements through contract expansions. [...]view this reportdownload abstractPontoon - Managed Service Program Outsourcing
Oct 14, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by Elizabeth Rennie
Pontoon offers workforce programs for contingent and permanent staff as part of the Adecco Group. It offers (with proportion of business): Managed service programs (70%) Recruitment process outsourcing (30%) Workforce consulting (incorporated in its MSP and RPO programs). [...]view this reportdownload abstractEGS - CMS in Telecommunications/Cable/Satellite
Oct 01, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
Expert Global Solutions (EGS) is the holding company for APAC and NCO; the merger was completed in 2012. APAC is the EGS brand in the customer relationship management (CRM) BPO market. NCO is the EGS brand in the accounts receivables management (ARM)/collections BPO market. EGS is a privately held company headquartered in Plano, Texas. EGS employs [...]view this reportdownload abstractSutherland and Global Network Communications Organization - Transformational CMS
Oct 01, 2014
NelsonHall's "Sutherland and Global Network Communications Organization - Transformational CMS" case study is an example of how transformational CMS was used to reduce costs and customer churn, while improving NPS. [...]view this reportdownload abstractSutherland and Global Network Communications Organization - Transformational CMS
Oct 01, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's "Sutherland and Global Network Communications Organization - Transformational CMS" case study is an example of how transformational CMS was used to reduce costs and customer churn, while improving NPS. [...]view this reportdownload abstractSutherland and U.S. Telco client - Transformational CMS
Oct 01, 2014 | Case Study by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's "Sutherland and U.S. Telco client - Transformational CMS" case study is an example of how transformational CMS was used to reduce costs and increase automation. [...]view this reportdownload abstractSutherland and U.S. Telco client - Transformational CMS
Oct 01, 2014 | Vendor Analysis by NelsonHall Analyst
NelsonHall's "Sutherland and U.S. Telco client - Transformational CMS" case study is an example of how transformational CMS was used to reduce costs and increase automation. [...]view this reportdownload abstract