DEBUG: PAGE=domain, TITLE=Digital Experience Services,ID=1591,TEMPLATE=subprogram
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programcode = CXSDMS
programid = 323
database = f
alerts = t
neat = t
vendors = t
forecasting = f
confidence = f
definitions = f

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has Database = f has Confidence = f -- IGNORED

Digital Experience Services NEAT reports

The NEAT (NelsonHall Vendor Evaluation and Assessment) tools for strategic sourcing managers are part of NelsonHall's "speed-to-source" initiative. The NEAT tool sits at the front-end of the vendor screening process and consists of a two-axis model: assessing vendors against their "ability to deliver immediate benefit" to buy-side organizations and their "ability to meet client future requirements".

request access to NEAT Weighted scores and score breakdown are only available for clients with access. Access is free to the buy-side community, and given upon registration. Please login now or register for NEAT for full access to this functionality.

RPO 2025

NEAT analysis Published on: March 11, 2025 by Jeanine Crane-Thompson
This NelsonHall Vendor Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT) analyzes the performance of vendors offering recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) services. The NEAT tool allows strategic sourcing managers to assess the capability of vendors across a range of criteria and business situations and identify the best performing vendors overall, and with specific focus on candidate experience, technology innovation, service innovation, multi-country delivery, and talent acquisition (TA) transformation. Vendors evaluated for this NEAT are: ADP, Advanced RPO, Cielo, Hudson RPO, IBM, Instant Impact, Korn Ferry, Lorien, NLB Services, NXTThing RPO, PeopleScout, Sanderson, and Talent Solutions RPO. To find out more, contact Guy Saunders (EMEA) at [email protected] or Darrin Grove (N. America) at [email protected].

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Clients with access to NEAT functionality will see the real vendor names.
view all NEATs Explore Market Analysis

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