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Infosys - IoT Services

Vendor Analysis

by Dominique Raviart

published on Apr 25, 2017

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Report Overview:

This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes Infosys' offerings and capabilities in IoT services.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s IoT Services Vendor Assessment for Infosys is a comprehensive assessment of Infosys’ IoT service offerings and capabilities designed for: 

  • Sourcing managers monitoring the capabilities of existing suppliers of IT services and identifying vendor suitability for IoT services 
  • Vendor marketing, sales and business managers looking to benchmark themselves against their peers 
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the IoT sector.


Scope of this Report:

The report provides a comprehensive and objective analysis of Infosys’ IoT service offerings, capabilities, and market and financial strength, including: 

  • Analysis of the company’s offerings and key service components, accelerators, and “platforms” 
  • Revenue estimates
  • Identification of the company’s strategy, emphasis and new developments
  • Analysis of the profile of the company’s customer base including the  company’s targeting strategy 
  • Analysis of the company’s strengths, weaknesses and outlook. 

Key Findings & Highlights:

Infosys created its Engineering Services (ES) unit ~20 years ago, through the combination of its mechanical engineering and embedded systems capabilities. Its headcount at the end of December 2016 was ~11k. 

ES is structured into four main lines of business, including the IoT line launched in 2016. The IoT service line (ISL) is a horizontal service line with its own P&L,CoE, pre-sales, project solutioning, and delivery. Other service lines within ES include: 

  • Core engineering: e.g. mechanical engineering and PLM application services
  • Networking and embedded: e.g. embedded systems
  • Software products and platform development engineering: e.g. software product development. 

Broadly speaking, ISL has positioned its IoT portfolio at the intersection of three  core capabilities: IT services, engineering services, and analytics services. ISL provides all IoT services and works with other Infosys units on adjacent services including analytics, UX, and Infosys Consulting.  

Infosys has ~50 IoT clients.

As part of its push towards software, in 2015 Infosys (through its $500m Infosys  innovation fund) made a $3m investment in Cambridge, MA based fitness wearable manufacturer WHOOP. WHOOP's devices are used by athletes to capture heart rate and calculate their bodies' intensity and recovery capability after a workout. WHOOP is a spin-off Harvard i-Lab. 

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