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Transcom - Multi-channel CMS: Delivering Digital Customer Experience

Vendor Analysis

by Ivan Kotzev

published on Mar 08, 2017

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Report Overview:

This NelsonHall vendor assessment analyzes Transcom's offerings and capabilities in Multi-Channel CMS.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall’s Multi-channel Customer Management Services (CMS): Delivering Digital Customer Experience profile on Transcom is a comprehensive assessment of Transcom’s offerings and capabilities designed for:

  • Sourcing managers monitoring the capabilities of existing suppliers of CMS and identifying vendor suitability for CMS RFPs 
  • Vendor marketing, sales, and business managers looking to benchmark themselves against their peers 
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the support services sector.

Scope of this Report:

Transcom WorldWide AB (Transcom) is a public company listed on NASDAQ Stockholm and headquartered in the Swedish capital. It provides customer management services including customer care, technical support, sales,  retention, and early collection services. The company also offers interpretation  services.

In 2016, it divested its Danish credit management business and continued its  nearshore expansion in Europe, for example opening a new center in Poland. It also exited Colombia and reorganized its regional and management structure with a focus on English-speaking markets such as U.S., U.K., and Australia, as well as selected European markets.  

Transcom has ~30k employees in 52 delivery centers across 20 countries, providing support in 33 languages. It has ~400 clients. 

Its multichannel support covers the customer lifecycle, with services offered over voice and digital channels. 

Key Findings & Highlights:

Transcom WorldWide AB (Transcom) is a public company listed on NASDAQ Stockholm and headquartered in the Swedish capital. It provides customer management services including customer care, technical support, sales,  retention, and early collection services. The company also offers interpretation  services.

In 2016, it divested its Danish credit management business and continued its  nearshore expansion in Europe, for example opening a new center in Poland. It also exited Colombia and reorganized its regional and management structure with a focus on English-speaking markets such as U.S., U.K., and Australia, as well as selected European markets.  

Transcom has ~30k employees in 52 delivery centers across 20 countries, providing support in 33 languages. It has ~400 clients. 

Its multichannel support covers the customer lifecycle, with services offered over voice and digital channels. 

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