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Global BPS Market Forecast: 2022 - 2026

Market Forecast

by John Willmott

published on Jun 30, 2022

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Report Overview:

NelsonHall’s updated “BPS Market Forecast: 2022-2026” consists of 280 pages.

This report covers 34 of the main business process services (BPS) service lines covered by NelsonHall, providing market forecasts and vendor revenue shares for each combination of service line and geography.

Who is this Report for:

NelsonHall's "Global BPS Market Forecast: 2022-2026" report is a comprehensive market forecast report designed for:

  • Sourcing managers monitoring the business process services (BPS) industry and seeking to identify leading vendors for shortlists and RFPs
  • Executives seeking assistance in identifying levels of BPS vendor presence by service line and geography
  • Vendor marketing, sales, and business managers looking to identify market sizes and growth rates and their market share relative to their peers
  • Financial analysts and investors specializing in the support services sector.

Scope of this Report:

The report provides a forecast for the global BPS outsourcing market overall and by geography and service line.  It covers the following:

  • The BPS market size for 2021 and the forecast for the business process services market through 2022 to 2026
  • The business process services market sizes and forecasts for North America, specifically covering the U.S. and Canada; EMEA, specifically covering U.K., France, Germany, and Italy; Asia Pacific: and Latin America
  • The business process services market sizes and forecasts by service line
  • The business process services market sizes and forecasts by combinations of service line and geography
  • Vendor revenue shares for 2021 by service line and geography.

Key Findings & Highlights:

The full breakdown of NelsonHall’s BPS market forecast and vendor market shares across 81 BPS service lines, 39 geographies, and 39 industry sectors can be obtained via NelsonHall's Self-Service Forecast Tool.

This self-service tool aims to assist executives in accessing the precise combinations of market size, growth, and vendor share information they require rapidly and cost-effectively, supporting more informed decision-making.

In particular, the "NelsonHall Self-Service Market Forecasting tool" enables executives to tailor the scope of any market forecast or vendor market share download by selecting one or multiple service lines, geographies, and industry sectors and downloading market size, growth, and vendor share information against these parameters. Furthermore, decision-makers are no longer inconvenienced by delays in the manual production of customized reports on their behalf.

The tool now covers not just business process services but has subsequently been expanded to support 13 IT outsourcing service lines, also by geography and industry sector.

BPS was an excellent industry to be in during the pandemic, largely escaping the ravages experienced by many other industries. Indeed the pandemic tended to sharpen enterprise decision-making and hasten the pace of digital transformation initiatives and the need for assistance from BPS vendors.

Overall, the move to digital transformation initially accelerated by COVID-19 will continue apace, with most enterprises recognizing heightened needs for cost reduction, reduced revenue leakage, improvements in customer experience, and increases in business model effectiveness.

Indeed, the current inflationary and potentially recessionary environment continues to act as a driver for operational transformation. Approximately 50% of CFOs perceive an increased need for operational cost reduction as a result of the current changes in the economic environment and will actively seek to reduce their OpEx.

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