HRO Insight blog
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Liz is HR Technology and Services Research Director at NelsonHall, with global responsibility for key HR research projects including Cloud-Based HR Transformation, Cloud-Based Benefits Services, HCM Technology, EoR, Global Payroll and The Future of HR, as part of NelsonHall's wider HR Technology & Services practice.
meet & followNikki is a Principal Research Analyst at NelsonHall and a member of the HR Technology & Services practice. Nikki covers HR services research in the areas of Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), Managed Service Programs (MSP), Total Talent, and Learning.
meet & followJeanine is a Principal Research Analyst at NelsonHall and a member of the HR Technology & Services practice. She has global responsibility for key HR areas including employer of record (EOR) and learning platforms.
meet & followDeeAnna is a Principal Research Analyst at NelsonHall and a member of the HR Technology & Services practice. She has global responsibility for key HR areas including HCM technology, workforce management, and health & welfare administration.
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Please visit NelsonHall's HRO Insight blog for further updates from our analysts daily
Find here the NelsonHall Research related to within the Payroll Services program
published 2015-10-02 | Project by Mike Smart
published reports related to Dimension Data within the Payroll Services program
find all available reports on Dimension Datatracking service articles related to Dimension Data within the Payroll Services program:
Oct 14, 2016 | Mergers and Acquisitions by John Laherty
Apr 07, 2016 | New Offerings by Dominique Raviart
May 18, 2015 | New Partnerships by Dominique Raviart
May 13, 2015 | New Partnerships by Dominique Raviart
Jun 05, 2002 | Contracts by John Willmott